Step One
If your Heatsheets are packaged in dispenser cartons, you will need to remove them from the carton in order to use them with the Rapid-Unwind Rack system. Open one end of the carton and slide roll out of the box. (If your shipment arrives with carton-less rolls, skip to step 2.)

Step Two
Insert pipe through center of core.
Step Three
Lift roll upright in order to set it onto the Rapid-Unwind Rack. Remember to ALWAYS lift with your knees, not your back!

Step Four
Place roll onto Rapid-Unwind Rack (rack MUST be mounted on a sturdy crowd-control barricade in order to function properly - the racks will not work if used on a table-top). Watch your fingers when placing the pipe onto the rack!
Step Five
Place Heatsheets over the OPPOSITE side of the crowd-control barricade (for safety reasons, Heatsheets should ALWAYS be pulled from the opposite side of the barricade & rack to create a balance of weight).