The award-winning Ultraflect™ is a reflective lightweight polyester woven insulation fabric featuring Heatsheets’ Silver Lining® technology. While reflective insulation technology isn’t new – inducted into the Space Foundation’s Hall of Fame in 1996 and used as protection from the extreme temperature changes of outer space – Ultraflect™ translates the products originally developed for space environments into today’s demands for comfort, convenience, style, and function.
Product Details
- Provides protection in a more compact form
- Incorporates an ultra-thin, soft, and durable reflective-insulation membrane laminated to familiar woven fabrics to deliver exceptional protection from the burning rays of the sun, or to stimulate warming
- Stream-lined solution that imposes little change to the appeal of the host fabric in outward appearance and drapability
- Ideal insulation for performance wear, outdoor fashion apparel, and shelter products (i.e. sleeping bags, tents, emergency bivvys, etc.)